Embracing Our Infinite Potential
Image by Stephen Coburn
A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
~ Albert Einstein, 1954
Welcome to the Transformation Team! Both the mind and heart expanding Transformation Course and our multi-faceted community networking portal are providing fun and deeply meaningful ways for us to come together to support each other in generating and spreading love and in promoting transformation and paradigm shift in our lives and world. And it's all free of charge!
Thanks for taking the time to explore our team and website. Every new member makes us more effective in inspiring both personal and planetary transformation. Each one of us brings a unique set of gifts and talents to the team, so that as an ever-increasing number of dedicated individuals join in working together for the greatest good of all, the miracles can't help but flow.
A Powerful Process of Transformation
In order to build a passionate community with a high level of integrity, love, and understanding, the Transformation Team was inspired to develop a highly engaging course which we ask all members to explore before diving into our community networking portal. As those who have completed the course have commented, the Transformation Course is a bridge to expanded consciousness:
Working my way through this material is changing me. I feel more contentment than I have ever felt before. The Transformation Course has given me hope that there is still time for me to contribute to Love's work within our world and universe. It feels like returning home and finding that I am not all alone. ~ JoyAnna
The scope of the topics assembled for these lessons was very impressive. Even very experienced seekers of enlightenment will find things they hadn't covered within these lessons. ~ Steve
I've been scouring your site, breathing and being grateful for all that occurs in my life. I find that I'm much more hopeful and excited – and much more interactive once again with people. So, it follows that breakthroughs are beginning to occur – my health is restored, my daughter found a house, and I'm back to the gym. ~ Cathie
The course is lovingly dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world. For the appreciative comments of many others who have gone through this free course, click here.
The Transformation Course
The primary purpose of the Transformation Course is to inspire us all to be ever more powerful generators of sacred love and catalysts for a new paradigm based on love and empowerment.
In order to do this, the course introduces members not only to some of the best, most inspiring transformational materials available on the Internet, but also to reliable information on some of the deep politics and hidden agendas going on behind the scenes in our world. Understanding and integrating both the light and the shadows is vital to this important work. Learning about this allows us to be more effective in creating a new paradigm on our planet for all who are open to it.
Developed and designed by the educational nonprofit organization PEERS, the Transformation Course consists of 21 empowering lessons presented on consecutive web pages. Each lesson contains required material on a particular topic, suggestions to take action, and additional optional resources for those who want to further pursue the topic presented.
In exploring these lessons, you will:
- Watch deeply moving videos which have brought inspiration and motivation to countless hearts.
- Digest thought-provoking quotes from some of the greatest thinkers ever to walk this planet.
- Read astonishing information suggesting that things are not always what they seem on the surface.
- Explore empowering exercises designed to open your heart and mind in refreshing new ways.
- See that when we come together with the intention of being the change, we are an unstoppable force for positive transformation in our lives and world.
As a new paradigm community, the Transformation Course, our community networking portal, and everything on the Transformation Team website is free of charge. We depend almost entirely on donations from our members for all of our work. For this reason, we invite members to make a donation after completing the course to help further this important work, though no contribution is required.
And just to be clear, we do not promote any particular religious or spiritual path. We embrace all paths which lead towards greater love and deeper connection. Members of our community come from a rich variety of spiritual backgrounds, ethnicities, and life experience, yet we all come together here to support each other in transforming our lives and our world through sacred love and empowerment.
I am forever indebted to you for being instrumental in changing my attitude towards my parents, which was one filled with deeply rooted bitterness and anger. You have convinced me that I solely am responsible for my own circumstances, and that in order to change them, I am the one who has to change. My new attitude is already starting to pay huge dividends, and I am eternally grateful. ~ David J.
Two Paths: Registered and Self-Directed
There are two paths for moving through the course. For those who would like to join our community networking portal, at the end of lesson one there will be a link which takes you to a registration form to be filled out, so that you can keep an online journal of your course experience and contact others who have completed the course with questions, suggestions, or requests for support. You might consider these people to be course guides with whom you can correspond online.
These guides are individuals who have completed the course and made themselves available to answer any questions, provide support, and to inspire you to get the most out of your journey through the course. Any information entered in the course support center is available only to those who have volunteered to offer support and been approved by course administrators. There is no charge for any of this. Members of our team are generous and have a wonderful volunteer spirit.
Then at the end of each lesson after the first, there are two links: one for those who register for the course and another for self-directed participants. For those not interested in registering, you can simply click on the self-directed link to continue to the next lesson of the course. You can also easily find any lesson by using the link to the lesson index at the top right corner of any webpage on this website.
Those who choose not to register, however, will not be able to join in the rich and meaningful connections taking place in our community networking portal. We ask all who want to join other members in the community portal to register using the link at the end of the first lesson.
For those who choose to register, after completing the course you will be invited to join the portal to brainstorm and heartstorm with other passionate community members dedicated to working together for personal and global transformation. Please note that we ask all who join our community networking portal to agree to our community values and intentions, which you can find here.
Though the course will take an investment of your time, those who have put in the effort say it was well worth it. And for those who don't have time for the course, consider at least exploring the two most popular lessons, lesson three on personal responsibility and lesson 20 on going beyond duality.
A few days after I did lesson three, my husband and I had a heartfelt, life-changing conversation filled with honesty and transparency. We finally both had the courage to explore some of our deepest needs and found out that we were each wrong about the other's opinions and feelings about those needs. It was amazing, and I KNOW without a doubt that had I not found this course, this conversation would not have come to the peaceful and loving end (and new beginning!) that it did. For that alone, I am so grateful. The journey through this course has been so deeply personal, yet so profoundly universal. I have never before felt so much a part of the whole. ~ Erika
Integrating the Light and the Shadow
If you are not aware of the deep politics and hidden agendas taking place behind the scenes on this planet, you may find parts of the educational information in the course to be somewhat disturbing. Please don't despair about this. Even as we present this potentially disturbing information, we provide a greater spiritual context for understanding and integrating what is presented.
Remember that even the dark or negative forces are all a part of the dance of life. If we ignore or abandon the shadow aspects of life, we may miss out on the valuable opportunities for growth and understanding that they can give us. The course provides lots of support and inspiration on how we are already transforming these challenging places in our lives and world.
I am definitely getting a more complete picture of the world around me. This makes all sorts of things easier to comprehend and hence less scary. I feel more connected to people. I can't help but be nicer, more tolerant of people. ~ Jeremy
I have been questioning the value of looking at the dark underbelly of the collective shadow. Some spiritual friends say, 'Why not just focus on the light?' I had an experience with lesson four which has moved this inquiry forward. After reading the story of the Christmas Truce, I found myself spontaneously breaking down sobbing. It was after reading the last line of the song: 'That the ones who call the shots won't be among the dead and lame, and on each end of the rifle we're the same.' I was crying out of a deep sense of responsibility for being a part of that which caused this. I had a sense (which my mind doesn't yet understand) that I am not separate from 'the ones who call the shots' who I have had so much disdain for. For once, I had a sense of not being separate from 'them.' I have so far held myself as 'not a part of that' and 'better than' them. I got a glimpse of how the same vicious insanity is in me, and has been in me. I am willing to wake up out of that insanity, but that does not make me different or better. Thank you for this course. It is a great service. ~ Lynn
I have struggled for seven years and 3,000 hours of research into the dark side and did not know what to do with it. This course was wonderful in integrating it with the light side, as well as with both of these sides in me. I am much more at peace with the dark side of the world and, more importantly, my own dark side. This should facilitate a dramatic reduction in my use of judgment and a focus on creating a world from gratitude and joy. ~ Jim
Each of us can be more effective transformation agents when we are willing to shift our own paradigm by looking into the hidden and unconscious places both inside of ourselves and out in the world. We have found that exploring and learning to work with the "shadow side" is just as important as spreading love and inspiration.
Shadow work is a frequently undervalued key to how we empower ourselves to be all that we can be. Inspirational material is a wonderful and powerful major part of the course, yet balancing this with learning to accept, understand, and even dance with our personal and collective shadow is a big part of what makes the course and the Transformation Team so profound and meaningful.
Our deepest fears are the dragons that guard our greatest treasures. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Come Join Us!
We'd love to have you come join us on this exciting journey. For those who are still uncertain whether to take the course or not, we invite you to open to your spiritual guidance in this. You might also appreciate other comments of those who have gone through the course, available here.
If you choose not to take the course, we wish you the very best in all that you do and invite you to see some of the other inspirational and educational websites with which we are involved at www.peerservice.org. And as mentioned above, if you are interested in a non-spiritual version of this course or would rather focus only on the light and love aspects, see other versions of the course available at this link. Should you at some point be drawn this way again, you are always welcome back.
If you are ready to begin the Transformation Course and move towards becoming a member of our loving team, please follow the link at the bottom of this page to read the foreword to the course and then continue on to the highly inspiring first lesson.
For all who are interested, we eagerly await your arrival as an integral member of the team. Thanks for being who you are. And thank you especially for your interest in joining us to generate ever more love and empowerment in our world. May your journey through the course be meaningful, profound, and highly enlightening for you. Together, we are transforming our lives and our world!
If you would be a real seeker after truth, you must at least once in your life doubt, as far as possible, all things. ~ Descartes
To begin the Transformation Course, click below to read the insightful foreword, then follow the link at the bottom of the page to lesson one.
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"