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Transformation Course: Lesson Four

The War Machine Cares Not For Life

When the power of love
Overcomes the love of power,
The world will know peace.

Jimi Hendrix

Welcome back. Please be prepared that this lesson has information which for some may be disturbing and difficult to read and watch. If you are not familiar with this material, it can be like a journey down the bizarre rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland or taking the red pill in the film The Matrix.

Remember that in order to take greater responsibility for our lives and promote major transformation in our world, it is important to know at least the basics of what's going on behind the scenes. As always, we encourage you to open to divine guidance and ask for assistance in integrating this information in whatever way best serves you and all of us.

One of the major ways humanity pushes deep into separation is through war. In wartime, it's all about fighting "the enemy" and "us vs. them." Patriotism is the order of the day. Yet few people understand in any depth the underlying, often hidden causes of war.

One of the most highly decorated generals from World War I, Smedley Butler, performed many heroic deeds in his 33 years of service in the U.S. military. Yet as he retired, he learned about major hidden manipulations which push governments into war. General Butler's timeless classic War is a Racket exposes some of the little known root causes of war. Please read the highly revealing two-page summary of this powerful book at the link below: - War is a Racket summary

There are indeed huge profits to be made in wartime. Few people are aware that the top bankers of the world often directly or indirectly finance both sides of any major conflict. The profits and transactions of the bankers are among the most closely guarded secrets in this world, because if the public knew all that was going on, they would not stand for it. For more reliable evidence on the corrupting role of money in military matters, read the three-page essay below. - Media reports of military corruption

Notice now, how you are feeling about all this. Remember that on some level we are all co-creating this. Yet as transformation team members, we are here to inspire people to find a better way.

The collective consciousness of the planet is largely unaware of the hidden manipulations which lead to war. By educating ourselves on these matters, we can better help others to understand and work together for empowering transformation.

In a special documentary on this topic, Bill Moyers of PBS reveals some of the deeper aspects of war manipulations. Please read about and watch the 22-minute version of his excellent documentary The Secret Government. - The Secret Government

The above documentary was filmed in 1987 before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Once the wall came down and the long-standing Soviet threat was gone, the power elite, dependent on defense sales to pad their pockets, needed a new threat.

Peace could not be tolerated if the profits were to continue to flow. Several think tanks, including the highly influential Project for the New American Century found their needed threat in Islamic fundamentalism, particularly in the oil-rich Middle East. How much of this threat was fostered or even created by the global elite?

A quote from Peter Beter, appointed Counsel to the U.S. Export-Import Bank by John F. Kennedy, is appropriate here:

To most people war is a supreme evil to be avoided if at all possible. And yet, we go right on having wars. To those who rule nations, war is a tool of power which is used deliberately. War provides the perfect excuse for a government to impose increased controls on its own people. By citing 'national security' the government can persuade the people that even highly dictatorial controls are for their own good.

Sacred Cows
Sacred Cows © Spyder Webb

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.  ~  Martin Luther King, Jr.

To Complete Transformation Lesson Four: Click Here

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